Gaining momentum

Priscilla Martinez
2 min readOct 11, 2020

“What has your experience learning to code been like so far? What would you change about it?”

One of the greatest techniques I have learned so far is wireframing. I am a visual learner, and being able to draw and write out the layout of my websites is tremendously helpful before even opening up my text-editor. This has helped me understand the best ways to structure my content and give me an idea how I want to style my websites.

“How do you describe the DOM, as you know it so far?”

I understand the DOM as being a document that serves as a map of the elements within that document. We can manipulate these elements by accessing different properties that can be applied to them.

“Can you explain the difference between coding a website to be responsive and using a mobile-first strategy?”

The mobile-first strategy is the development of websites starting with mobile devices and working up to larger screen sizes. A responsive website will be fully functional across small, medium, and larger devices.

“What does coding look like to you in your mind?”

In my mind, coding is like playing with legos. You have so many pieces at your fingertips to work with and experiment with. After putting all the pieces together, you end up with a fantastic and interactive work of art.

“Where do you see yourself working in 365 days from today? What do you want to be working on?”

I see myself either freelancing as a web developer or working as a web developer for a company 365 days from today.

